Easter Holidays


Hello, I am doing pretty well these days. It is getting quite warm in México and we can all picture ourselves on Easter Holidays soon. México is largely a Catholic country, with most country inhabitants professing the Catholic faith, only Brazil boasts more Catholics than México.

We have been for the past 3 weeks on Lent fast and preparation for the Holy Week. During Lent we mostly consume salads and fish on meals, for many it is a hard sacrifice; but, with the heat wave, I more than welcome light meals, don’t you?

Schools close for 2 weeks in celebration of both Holy Week and Spring Break and many people leave town on holiday. I look forward to a peaceful and quite city while everyone is gone. It is possible then to visit parks and museums, even venture outside city limits to quaint little towns, without large crowds and traffic in your way.

During Holy Week my family prepares and decorates hard boiled eggs to share with family and friends on Easter Sunday. The eggshells have to be white and the eggs themselves have to be boiled hard in order to be ready for decorations. It is a fun activity both for children and adults, and although we aren’t great artists we do pretty well.

The Holiday is just really one day, Easter Sunday; but, since Spring Break is paired with it, for school age children and university students it turns into a 2 week vacation. Soon everything comes back to our crowded and bustling normality; back to work and studying for the last academic stretch. Before we know it, it will be summer vacation.

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