Cannot Live In America!


I’ve just come back from the United States. My daughter has just graduated from the Florida Atlantic University in Science and Chemistry.

What seems strange about the state of Florida and many parts of the United States in general is that the towns are not designed like towns elsewhere in the world.

Just think, to buy a loaf of bread, you have to get into a car and drive to a supermarket, which can take you as long as twenty minutes! Life seems to be based around the car and driving. Instead of the feeling that you arrive somewhere in the United States, you feel like you’re driving through everything. Towns are divided by motorways which cut them in half, as if they were making way for the vehicles that stream through them.

My flat in Sao Paulo, Brazil opened out onto a street which had a bakery on the corner, a greengrocer’s, a gentleman’s hairdressers, a video rental shop, a pet shop, a vegetarian restaurant etc etc.

I don’t think I could ever get used to living in America!

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