Childhood Dream Jobs & Now


What was your dream job (occupation) as a child? Had it come true? Are you doing something that is related to what you have always wanted to be?

As far back as I can remember, and that’s when I was already out of High School, I wanted to be a top scientist, working at some development lab to innovate and discover solutions to mankind’s problems and needs.

I studied Chemical Engineering; however, after graduating, I decided to further pursue a degree in International Marketing. This took me to work on the commercial side of multinational interests such as Dow Chemical. In time I got experience not only in the commercial but also in the financial area, changed jobs, and ended going up the corporate ladder as a Corporate Financial Mgr for another big transnational at that time, Container Corporation of America, owned by Mobil Oil.

It was at that point that I realized that this was nowhere what I had envisioned as my life's occupation. In due time, and after having children, I started working in the Academic world. I worked as an English teacher for over 10 years, while realizing I really loved the job and wanted to make my mark in education. So then I decided to go for a master’s degree in Educational technology, with which I both embraced my desire to help others find solutions to their needs and problems, and also my ever growing interest and learning process about technology and how to make it serve quotidian needs, and fulfill objectives, and plans in every walk of life.

Today I apply my skills (teaching, coaching, consulting) to help, whoever needs it, in as many areas I have knowledge in, to accomplish their goals in life.

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