My Fabulous East Coast Vacation


The 3-week east coast vacation was a blast! My family and I really enjoyed it. It’s so nice to see friends and families again. Who will never love New York? This city never ceases to amaze me. It is indeed a city that never sleeps. I just miss how busy life is in New York compared to the more relaxed life in California. I miss the chaotic subway as here in California we just drive our cars.

We visited a lot of places. These include the famous Statue of Liberty in which I really enjoyed the boat ride going there. The boat took us to both Liberty Island and Ellis Island. The Ellis Island is the symbol of American immigration and the immigrant experience.

We took another flight to Maryland from New York because it’s not easy to ride a train with a baby on board. We stayed in our friend’s place and from there we drove to Washington D.C. Once you are in the east coast, you should never miss the nation’s capital. We really enjoyed the stroll to different museums ( a day is never enough to visit everything!) and of course, the White House.

The most exciting thing for me is to be back in Virginia. It has been 3 years since I last visited my state. It’s a great feeling to be able to see familiar places and faces. Taking a break from the busyness of life is indeed a great idea!

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