For raising our child bilingually


We do many things to raise our son bilingual. For example;
1. We have been speaking to our son in both languages (English/Japanese) since his birth. Although he could not communicate with us at that time, he was understanding new words/sounds in both languages. We continue to speak to him in both languages and he can now understand/communicate in each one.

2. We introduce both cultures, holidays with the meanings (like Christmas (U.S.), Easter (U.S.), Boy's Day (Japan), New Year's (Japan)) on a daily basis. Our son has been raised to eat all types of foods. We also introduce the correct eating habits: how to eat the Japanese way with chopsticks; the U.S. way of spoon, knife, fork.

3. We buy or borrow from friends different books, videos, TV preschool shows, music in each language. He can learn language and culture by listening, reading, and watching.

4. We have a Japanese playgroup. It consists of children with at least one Japanese parent. The mothers meet each week with their children. We prepare food/snacks, the children play or we go to a special location as a group, and speak Japanese. It is a GREAT for our son. They are his best friends.

5. We do MSN webcam/Skype with our parents/friends. My parents only speak in English. My husband's parents only speak in Japanese. Therefore, he speaks in each language.

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