

【Susan先生にとっての幸せとは?】 Happiness to me is keeping my life simple and enjoyable, choosing to spend time that feels worthwhile to me (even if it doesn't meet another person's definition of worthwhile). Specifically for me, I love to travel (even if it is just around my own city!), spend time with my husband and close friends, sailing, reading and writing, swimming, quilting, my garden and listening to music, museums....many, many small activities that give me joy.

【仕事とは?】 Work is doing something or creating something that helps or gives back to others. At the same time, if it is a good match, it will also satisfy a need inside of ourselves. I think work is more than just a "job"---work can be what you do for money, of course, but it can also be what you do for your family, or for your community. Everyone, even the independently wealthy, need to do some kind of work.

【英語とは?】 For me, it is a way to share, and a way to understand the world around me. Not just with people who also speak English, but as a conduit to speaking with people who are learning my language.

【座右の銘は?】 "Happy Trails." That is an old cowboy song. It is a song of being happy and satisfied no matter what road you are on, and also a song of friendship. It is a very optimistic song, and I have a very optimistic nature.

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