

Unlimited Coffee in New York


In New York, there is a new mobile phone service that offers all the coffee you can drink for $45 a month (4、500 yen). The company offering the service is trying to compete with Starbucks for customers.

Do you think a service like this would be popular in Tokyo? How about in other parts of Japan?

This service is focusing on offering higher quality coffee than Starbucks. In America, the quality of coffee is very important. In Japan, people usually appreciate high quality food and drinks. Is the quality of coffee highly valued in Japan also?

Services like this are becoming more popular in America. There are similar services like Groupon in America that offers group discounts for products. Are there services like this in Japan? Are they popular?

Words from blog:

compete = go against / try to win

appreciate = to respect / value

offer = give

Words from the article:

alternative = another choice

consume = to use *food/drink/energy

tolerance = level

pulled out of a hat (idiom) = with no reason to be chosen; randomly chosen

retrieve = get

beverage = drink

worst-case scenario (idiom) = worst possible situation

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