Quote of my life


“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. In this life we get nothing save by effort”
Theodore Roosevelt

This quote really reflects my way of thinking and it is exactly what I teach my children. Even in very simple situations, whenever they say they “Can’t” do something, I always ask them “have you tried your best?” “have you made your best effort?”, only then can you say you have failed. However if you do not try hard, if you do not make any effort at all, even if you succeed, you will not enjoy that success to its full extent.

*Save by=節約する、減らす等という意味があり、 ここでは「努力を惜しむ」として使われています。
*full extent=存分に、十分にという意味があり、 ここでは「成功を十分に味わえない」として使われています。

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