New Year in Costa Rica


In Costa Rica, summer begins in the end of December and ends the middle of February. That means summer vacation for local students is over and they are back in school. My teaching job starts now too. Here are two pictures of my elementary school class:

I teach English to elementary school kids, high school students and adults. It is fun to teach different ages, but my favorite class is the elementary school. They love to learn English and have fun!

When I am not teaching, I enjoy being in the ocean. I love to swim, surf and kayak in the Pacific Ocean.

When I go kayaking, I like to paddle around a nearby island. The island is called, Isla Cabuya (isla is Spanish for island). In the picture above, you see me paddling to the island. There are no people living on the island, but there is an indigenous cemetery there.

All around the island there is coral reef with lots of aquatic plants and different types of fish.

What do you do for fun in Japan? What is the weather like where you live now?

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