

New Year`s Resolutions


Happy new year! I am excited about 2013, the year of the snake!

I think new year`s resolutions are more of a Western concept. Often we will think up intentions or goals for the coming year and possibly write them down or share them with friends. I asked my husband if he had any resolutions for 2013 but he said no. I had to look up the word resolution in Japanese in order to explain it to him better.

New year is a chance to start fresh. Try to do something new or perhaps do something you have been meaning to do but not gotten around to. Some common resolutions might be to lose weight, or read more or perhaps learn a new language or study English more. Others might include quitting smoking or drinking alcohol or perhaps a commitment to travel more.

I like making goals or resolutions! Some of my goals for 2013 were to do daily gratitude practice- this means each day I write down one or two things I am grateful for. Sometimes the things are big things and other times they are small. With young children at home finishing a cup of coffee while it is still hot is a small thing I am grateful for. Another resolution was to read at least 6 books to my children each day. I love reading and I want my children to love reading as well. This is definitely a fun resolution for us all.

Losing weight or getting fit often features on my resolution list and this year is no different. Hopefully I can achieve all of my resolutions this year!

Have you made resolutions in the past?

Do you make them each year or just when you think of it?

Do you have you any resolutions for 2013?

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