

Hay fever, allergies & asthma


My children have asthma. With the air pollution on the rise I am forced to keep them indoors more as the doctor thinks it is best that are not exposed too much to PM2.5 particles or the yellow sand that is coming over Japan. It is hard on weekends like this when the weather is warm and it looks so nice outside. They are still too young to be tested for allergies but it is likely they have dust, mites or pollen allergies. Each day I check the air quality in our area and this week the numbers have been over 70 most days so we have been stuck indoors. I hope that China will start doing more to limit their air pollution. I wonder what Japan can do as well.

I have asthma too but thankfully it has gotten much better as I have gotten older. Unfortunately though, now I seem to have developed hay fever. Perhaps hay fever is not so common in Australia where I am from because I never had hay fever until last year. In fact, even though I have lived in Japan eight years I have only had hay fever the last two years. Basically it started after I had my children.

It seems many people in Japan suffer from hay fever. This is a terrible time of year for it.

Do you suffer from hay fever? What about asthma?

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