I’m a Bookworm


I have always been fascinated with books and I have a large collection. To date, my favorites are; “The Twilight Saga,” by Stephanie Meyer and “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho and all the novels of Nicholas Sparks.

I love the Twilight Saga because the love story between the characters is unique. Twilight Saga is about the love story of a young girl who fell in love with a Vampire and that she also happened to like her best friend who is a werewolf. It is divided into 4 different books, "Twilight,” “New Moon,” “Eclipse,” and “Breaking Dawn.” The Twilight Saga is written by Stephanie Meyer and the 2 books “Twilight and Eclipse” are now blockbusters.

I also love “The Alchemist” because the story is about following your dreams. It’s a very inspiring and motivating story. The universal point this story makes is that everyone has a special destiny, and yet not everyone resolves to attain it because it takes hard work.

These are some of the novels of Nicholas Sparks which I truly love and already in my growing collection. If you are romantic like me, I am sure you will love reading these books.

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